March 9, 2006


"Fuel price has increased again", I said.

"Good", was his reply. I looked at him, my lips were forming the 'O'.

Then I said, "Oh.. I forgot you're from the business. No wonder you agree.." I stucked out my tongue to him.

He laughed and said, "Well... it's still cheaper than a bottle of mineral water, right?"

How many times were we told to change our paradigm? To think out of the box? To look from a different perspective?

I was astounded. Granted, I do not buy mineral water everyday, but still, a bottle of mineral water was just for one dinner sitting. Or probably, for one movie at GSC.

Well, eventhough it's cheaper than mineral water, other prices will increase. Will it not? Kuih at my office cafeteria already cost 50 sen per piece. Fried chicken that my colleague bought from the gerai where she gets her nasi lemak is now two ringgit. It used to be RM 1.50.

I guess, it's a never ending battle. Each one of us can always see one issue differently. But, to quote my father, "When you pick up a stick, both ends will be lifted". Deciphered; when you do/say something, there's good and bad about it.

I guess, we just have to live with the knowledge, and the reality of it.


Seeking Solace said...

Just tell me when my salary is increasing...

Anonymous said...

In most cases of tribulation, we often tend to see them from one perspective. True, the fuel increase does have a great effect on almost anyone. Yup, i have to do away with - Side of Fettucine, Veal Piccata, lasagna, chocolate marble cheesecake and of course tiramisu for a while or forever (?)

The poor,the lower and middle income earner faces the greatest challenges. Hey i'm not rich either and i know how difficult life is to make ends meet.

Perhaps, some of us need to be 'reminded' of our extravagance and lavish lifestyle.

I would suggest fasting as one way of getting around it..........