July 15, 2005

Life is an essay

Our lives are full of questions. It's up to us to find the answers. More often that not, we won't like the answers. And the truth always hurt. Thus, do we want the answers to those questions the second time if we are given the chance to relive the moment? Will we be braver the second time around? What good is second chance if you know the answers will be the same? But, do we know for sure on that? Will we mind being second best? Can we settle for second best? And I'm not only talking about a partner. Come on people, just because I wrote mushy stuff for several postings... :-P

When you look at life objectively, you tend to be disappointed or frustrated when it doesn't go your way. I used to think that way. And then... I grew up. Life is subjective. Granted we cannot see the future, that much I've accepted long time ago, but I'm referring to our expectations. When we have fixed expectations, we see things and our surroundings definitely. It's good and we are supposed to have goals and objectives in life, but it does not have to be the definite future. We have to be able to manouvre, adapt to the changes and accept the shortcomings.

When we see life subjectively, anything can happen. That is why the Wright brothers could fly, and Sir Franklin found electricity. We see things differently, we view life differently. And we will wonder the greatness of the Creator.

But then, that's just my two cents... ;-)

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