April 18, 2005

Blue Monday

Isn't it frustrating when you've actually stocked up the courage to cross the treshold and take the risk, things don't work out as you expect it to be? But I supposed when you've decided to risk you're supposed to not to hope too much. :-) That's life.

I happened to say this to some friends back when I was an absolute optimist, "Life's a one big gamble that you have to deal whether you like it or not". Again it's all about choices. Don't you sometimes feel burdened by the choices that you have to make? Wouldn't it be more peaceful and wonderful if we don't have to grow up? Stay in Neverland and be young and foolish always.

"Things happened for a reason". Yeah, right. Today I have a LOT of questions. Well, most of them have been around for a long time. But never once do I get the answers. More questions, that's for sure.

Today, my favourite yahoo group is closed down by it's moderator. "All good things must come to an end". This is another question. WHY? Why must good things come to an end? Life cycle? Or just a reason made up by "brilliant yet delusional" people to actually make things look/sound right? "End of the road" said the title. Well, too bad. But I supposed it's a matter of time, since there were more nominal members than the active ones. So, God bless.

I may seem to be thinking too much. The curse of being intelligent. I think. :-P And it doesn't make me feel better when I'm right. Most of the times. Because it makes me build up the barrier even higher than before. Donald Trump said "Think like a winner". I say, "Bollocks!".

It hurts to be hurt.

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