February 7, 2006

Stress Reliever

So, I got a little carried away. As always. It's not like I'm feeding an army. But I guess, you'd go overboard when you're... expressing yourself.

When my mind is full of everything that is... next to nothing, I cook. Hmm.. now that I thought about it, no wonder the food is always a little pedas. I guess that's why you have to cook with love, then everything is sweet.

How do you handle stress? I had moments where I go shopping. Very therapeutic. Much better if it's done in a group. Oh.. you will not believe the satisfaction and joy and fun when you're stress relieving in a group. It's like a support group for addicts! Hahaha... Not that I've been to one. Just a figure of speech.

Someone told me before, a stress won't be stress if you don't think it as such. Wise words. But when your head feels like exploding, what does that tell you? Anyway, I refused to be stressed out most of the time. I just have to work extra harder with the ignoring force. And make myself believe that it's not the end of the world. In fact, the world is still moving even if I'm screaming and tearing my hair of my head and thumping my feet on the ground.

Another friend told me, there's a lot more out there than to think about mistakes, failure, heartache in the past. Which is true. I'm not denying that. But I also believe in giving myself the time to... grieve. It's not easy to just throw everything as if they are insignificant. If we're able to do that, we're not human.

So, I've decided. I should grieve as long as want to. But I will stop and move on after that. Because, life should be lived in the present and not in the past.

Now... what should I cook tomorrow?


Queens City said...

ermmm...how bout spaghetti bolognaise? then, dont forget to invite me....

Anonymous said...

oh... spaghetti bolognese... my speaciality.. hehe..

Anonymous said...

hi jade, wah pandai masak, boleh buat menantu ni. mana pergi archives ni semua, you tau la i ni suka baca cerita orang lain punya sembunyi2... macam stalker pulak... hehe

Hajar said...

i'm deeply honoured you graced my blog. hehe.. everytime.