May 6, 2005

The thing speaks for itself

Some things are meant to be unspoken. And not to be questioned. There is a saying that silence is golden, and curiosity kills the cat.

What happens when we think too much? Assume too much? Believe too much? We have become dependent. In our quest to be different, strive for balance, to be independent and whatever else, we almost always will end up being dependent. Why did we need independence in the first place then?

Does wanting to be independent is actually a juvenille antics? That little kid in us screaming to be noticed? Thus we break all the rules, devil may care and do things our way. Our generation I believe, is challenged unlike the people before us. Those days, things were simpler. I have no energy to go and make apple with apple comparison. Taking too much time.

Hmm.. time. That 24 hours in a day that's never enough. You always wish you have more time to do that and go there.

Ok... let's take a little example. Remember when we were in school. We always need to have pencil colours. Luna pencil colours. 12 different colours to choose from. I was happy. Then one day, a classmate brought her new pencil colour. Wow! She has more colours than I did! She has 24! A month later, another classmate got a new set of pencil colour. This time around it's 32! And so it went until one classmate brought the biggest pencil colour set. I think it was 52 colours! And that time, I just brought in my new set, 24 colours. And I got it as a present. A set that I lost barely a month after that. Huwaaaaaaaa... Those days, it's who has the latest paper doll, latest colouring book, most impressive pencil box with multi compartments, colourful, shapeful pencil erasers.

These days, school kids are using handphones. More advanced than the one I am using. Hmmm.. The other day my aunty was talking about his son. I think he is in Form 2. He just bought a new handphone. He has two different numbers. Reason, his friends were saying that they are not calling him because his previous number is under a different mobile provider than theirs. So it costs more to call him. Now, his parents are paying more because his new number cannot be included under the favourite list. Peer pressure. So, he has two handphones for two different numbers, one for the family. One for friends.

My first handphone was when I was in my final year in the uni. But I could not beat my dad. He got his first handphone a year before he retired. And it was given to him. Last month, he got a brand new one from his children as a birthday present. My brother told him, "Sekarang, abah nyer handphone yg paling advanced sekali dalam rumah ni..". Hehehe.. Emak said he was so excited getting it, he slept late two nights straight!

Now... what was it about facing different challengers than our forefathers? Peer pressures are different. Imagine colourful Luna pencil colours vs handphones. Of course.. in the span of almost 20 years. Gosh.. I feel old. Hahahaha....

Puzzled as I am to the effect of technology on our culture, I don't oppose to changes. I embrace them. BUT I sure hope the values that we have in our lives stay the same. You know, basic things like family connection, friendships, the simple pleasure of watching a birdy fly for the first time, and the awe that we feel when we see flowers blooming. I'm being sentimental. Puzzled maybe the wrong word to use. But for lack of anything better for the moment, it serves the purpose.

I may seem to be carefree. Almost always doing things without thinking. Rebellious. But deep down inside, there are things I hold dearly and would not want its purity lost eaten by the hands of time. Some things are meant to stay the same.

The thing speaks for itself.

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