December 27, 2005

Veronica Decides to Die

I bought this yesterday.

Veronika seems to have everything she could wish for. She goes to popular night spots, she meets and dates attractive young men and yet she's not happy. Something is lacking in her life. That's why, in the morning of 11th November 1997, Veronika Decides to Die. After taking an overdose, Veronika is told she has only a few days to live.

This story follows Veronika through these intense days as to her surprise, she finds herself drawn into the enclosed world of the local hospital she is staying in. In this heightened state she discovers things she has never really allowed herself to feel before: hatred, fear, curiosity, love - even sexual awakening. Her experiences lead her gradually to realise that every second of her existence is a choice between living and dying. Paulo Coelho's new book is about those who do not fit into patterns considered normal by society. It is about madness and the need to find an alternative way of living for people who frequently have to face other people's prejudices because they think in a different way.

I like the last sentence. "It is about madness and the need to find an alternative way of living for people who frequently have to face other people's prejudices because they think in a different way". You may think I'm being melodramatic, but I do feel, most of the time, that I do not fit into the norms. And this is even before I came acrros Mr. Coelho.

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