March 18, 2005

That thing called L.O.V.E

Yesterday, while driving back from dinner, my friend and I got to this conversation on relationship. Yet again. *wink*

She was actually telling me that someone very close to her is in the process of divorcing. But, everything has to be postponed, because the wife is pregnant. So, from there, we kicked off.
Why do people get married in the first place when they'd be leading separate lives after few years down the road? Why even bother to get married? Waste of time. Waste of energy. All the effort, courting process, dating, arguments, loving, etc. Such a waste, isn't it? And all these was between two people who professed to love each other not so long ago.

Why bother?

I have been asking this question whenever I heard someone is on the verge of separating, or divorcing. And the usual replied that I got would be; "You can't tell the future, you'll never know.." or "Time changes, people change..." or "It's fated. Dah takdir..." and several others.

Why do we always blame fate whenever things go wrong? But take all the credits when things go our way? Shouldn't it be the other way around? I mean, you get great things because you're graced and blessed. But things go wrong, because some where along the line you made the wrong choice.

Ah-nee-ways... I told my friend yesterday, maybe because we're too intelligent for our own good. We analyse things, we tend to think the rights or wrongs too much. We rather be safe, then sorry. That might be one reason why we are not.. urmmm... with husbands just yet. We want things to be black and white, when relationship is one sure ship that is gray. Then my friend countered, "But I want my relationship to be COLOURFUL!"


Even if it's pink for flirty, or blue for romance, or green for envy and red for anger, they are still definite. But gray is somthing uncertain. You can't see clearly. That is why haze is gray! Such is life. Such is relationship. It's uncertain, you cannot put a definite future.

But why? Why must it be that way? To me, if you've decided to be together forever, than work for it to happen. I read somewhere that relationship is a full time job. You have to put effort onto/into it everyday to make it work. To be fulfilled. I agree. Relationship is like a tree, you need to water it, fertelise it, put it out in the sun to make it grow. Most relationships fail because they plant the tree, and they leave it on its own. Taking it for granted. That it will always be there. But it won't, will it? Like a tree, it will wither and die out of neglect.

Duhh... sometimes I feel really old. I speak as if I know everything. But, no, I don't. I guess, I'm just idealistic. And idealists are the ones who always get hurt. So, I guess... it's fated.

ps: I feel like Carry Bradshaw suddenly. ahaha..

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